Execution deadline in working days
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Individual person
Receiving restrictions

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• entry of the surname, first name or nationality of the child if the parent cannot agree.
• settlement of disagreements between parents in matters of child custody, with the exception of determining the child's place of residence, procedures for access and custody rights (establishment of separate custody or withdrawal of custody rights).
• Dispute disputes between child and parent/guardian.
• Settlement of a guardian's and parents' disagreements

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The application may be submitted on site by producing a personal identification document (passport or ID card), electronically, via the competent foreign authority or via the portal By e-mail, sent an application shall be signed with a secure electronic signature, adding time stamps.

  2. Receipt of services
    The application may be submitted on site by producing a personal identification document (passport or ID card), electronically, via the competent foreign authority or via the portal By e-mail, sent an application shall be signed with a secure electronic signature, adding time stamps.

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