Valkas novada pašvaldības rekvizīti SEB

Valkas novada pašvaldība
Beneficiary registration number:
Bank account:
LV62UNLA0050014277068, LV16UNLA0050014283134
Bank name:
AS SEB banka
Valkas novada pašvaldības rekvizīti
Juridiskā adrese: Beverīnas iela 3, Valka, Valkas novads, LV - 4701

Konts ziedojumiem, AS SEB Banka

Valkas novada pašvaldība
Beneficiary registration number:
Bank account:
Bank name:
AS SEB Banka
Konts ziedojumiem, Juridiskā adrese
Beverīnas iela 3, Valka, Valkas novads, LV - 4701

AS “Swedbanka" bankas rekvizīti

Valkas novada pašvaldība
Beneficiary registration number:
Bank account:
Bank name:
AS “Swedbanka”
Juridiskā adrese
Beverīnas iela 3, Valka, Valkas novads, LV - 4701
  • Beverīnas iela 3 (, +371 64707486)  - Vides pieejamība. Pie centrālajām kāpnēm no sāniem ir uzbraucamais celiņš.
    • Vadība (priekšsēdētājs)
    • Pašvaldības administrācija
    • Priekšsēdētāja sekretariāts
    • Juridiskā nodaļa
    • Attīstības, projektu un tūrisma nodaļa
    • Dzimtsarakstu nodaļa
Semināra iela 9,Valka
  • Semināra iela 9 (, +371 64722203)- Vides pieejamība. Lūgums zvanīt, ja rodas sarežģījumi iekļūt ēkā, jo pie durvīm ir neliels slieksnītis.
    • Vadība (izpilddirektors)
    • Pašvaldības administrācija
    • IT speciālisti
    • Izglītības,kultūras,sporta un jaunatnes nodaļa
    • Būvvalde
    • Bāriņtiesa
Seminara iela 29,Valka
  • Semināra iela 29 ( +371 64722059)- Lai nodrošinātu vides pieejamību -lūgums zvanīt.
    • Pašvaldības kase
    • Grāmatvedības un finanšu nodaļa
    • Personāla nodaļa
View all departments

In cases where it is necessary to transfer personal data, commercial information and other protected information, we shall be invited to write to the e-address.

For more convenient and rapid exchange of information and service reception, we recommend the use of electronic means: for informational communication and for submitting e-signed * documents, epasts -

* the document must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of 28 June 2005 No. .473 and signed with a secure electronic signature.

The local government shall send a notification regarding receipt of an electronic document within one working day.

    • Beverly Street 3 (, +371 64707486) - Environmental Accessibility. . At the central stairs, the path is to be pulled from the side.
      • Management (President)
      • Local Government Administration
      • The Secretariat of the President
      • Legal department
      • Development, Projects and Tourism Division
      • Family List Section
    Semināra iela 9,Valka
    • Workshop Street 9 (, +371 64722203) - Environmental Accessibility. . Call request if there are difficulties getting into the building because there is a small threshold at the door.
      • Management (Executive Director)
      • Local Government Administration
      • It specialists
      • Education, Culture, Sport and Youth Division
      • Building board
      • The Orphan's Court
    Seminara iela 29,Valka
    • Seminar Street 29 (+371 64722059) - To ensure the availability of the environment - Request to call .
      • Local government treasury
      • Accounting and Financial Division
      • Staff department

Working hours

  • Monday 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

Cash working time - call in advance

  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday 9.00 - 12.00;
  • Wednesday Closed
  • Thursday 12.00 - 16.50
  • Friday Closed
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed