Process description
Service requests
Required documents:
1) an application with the requested request and the justification of the request;
2) copies of the documents necessary for the taking of a decision and the documents indicated in the application (presenting the originals), depending on the matter to be examined: the inventory of the inheritance, the inheritance certificate, the document certifying the ownership of property rights, a statement regarding payment of the costs of the management of immovable property, a statement regarding payment of immovable property tax, a draft contract, immovable property (movable property) property assessment, credit institution statement, etc.Receipt of services
The Orphan's Court, in defending the property interests of a child in the cases provided for in the Civil Law:
1) decide on a permit to accept or reject the inheritance agreed upon on behalf of the child;
2) decide on the sale of the property belonging to the child regarding the market value or at auction;
3) decide on the division of the succession, the alienation, pledging or encumbrance of the child's property (if the value does not exceed EUR 14 000) with other rights of affairs;
4) decide on the expediency of the alienation, pledging or encumbrance of immovable property belonging to the child (if the value thereof exceeds EUR 14 000) with other rights of affairs;
5) decide on the acquisition of property for a child;
6) appoint a guardian for entering into legal transactions between a child and parents;
7) decide on the subtraction of the rights of administration and use of the succession, if the surviving spouse manages or uses the succession agreed to the child in accordance with the interests of the child;
8) decide on the dismissal of the parent from the management of the child's property, if the parent manages the child's property in an inappropriate manner with the interests of the child;
9) perform other measures for the protection of the property rights of a child.
The decision of the Orphan's Court may be received in person, by post or by electronic means within 10 working days after the taking of the decision.