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The issue of a permit to a legal or natural person who has registered economic activity and wishes to become an organizer of street commerce in public places organised by the local government or agreed with the local government.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    A legal or natural person who has registered an economic activity or a public person shall submit to the local government a submission specifying the following information:

    1) the given name, surname and personal identity number of the natural person or the name of the legal person and the registration number of the taxpayer or the name of the public person and the registration number of the taxpayer;
    2) the intended place, time and duration of the organisation of street trade;
    3) in place of the organisation of trade of a group of goods intended for sale.
    The following documents shall be appended:

    - a list of trading participants showing the following information for each trading participant:
    * Name, surname and personal identity number of the natural person or name of the legal person and registration number of the taxable person
    * a copy of a document certifying the registration of an economic activity or a statement from a natural person that it does not carry out an economic activity or, in accordance with the Law On Personal Income Tax, may not register as a performer of economic activity or employ other persons;

    a co-ordination with the owner or legal possessor of the immovable property - a private person - or the possessor of the immovable property owned by the State regarding the intended trade, if the trade is carried out in the said immovable property;
    - a co-ordination with the organizer of the measure regarding the organisation of trade during the course of the event and at the place where the trade is intended during the course and place of the relevant event, except in the case where the organizer of the measure is the local government of the relevant administrative territory or the institution established by it.

  2. Receipt of services
    Receipt of services according to the application of choice.

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